In the messages distributed by activists or media representatives on social networks, direct appeals of convicts or prisoners, or through their close relatives, in some cases, we find information about inhumane treatment and torture of detainees in penal institutions. And in most cases, we witness that this attitude is caused by the lack of culture of dealing with prisoners and their insufficient knowledge of legal human rights.
Therefore, realizing the importance of preventing such practices and reminding once again that everyone’s human rights are equal, a training seminar was organized in the Syrdarya region in cooperation with the Department of Corrections and civil society.
On April 15, 2024, the national and international legal norms on the protection of human rights in places of deprivation of liberty were studied at the seminar-training held in the city of Gulistan. The Swiss Embassy in Uzbekistan, Human Rights Huquqiy Tayanch public association, Ombudsman and representatives of civil society cooperated in organizing the event.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Human Rights Huquqiy Tayanch public association, which works closely with the representative office of the Association of Central Asia in Uzbekistan to protect the rights of prisoners.